Zsigmond Réthy


The namesake of the room, the memorial exhibition presenting the work of Zsigmond Réthy, was located in a corner of Svájceráj. The natural science museologist is responsible for the establishment of the Szabadkígyós Landscape Conservation District, the large-scale Hunting, Fishing, Fishing and Nature Conservation exhibition organized in 1978, unique in the history of Szabadkígyós, several scientific papers and scientific organization work describing the landscape.


Zsigmond Réthy was already attracted to the study of nature as a student, and he also had a respect for museums. He was one of the first in the county to draw attention to the importance of nature conservation. In 1975, he founded the Nature Protection Club, the first green movement in the region, in Békéscsabán. He was one of the first in the country to organize nature camps, where he and his colleagues taught more than a thousand students to love nature and the basics of ornithology.


A series of exhibitions were completed under the leadership of Zsigmond Réthy. In the last phase of his life, he worked with his colleagues on the realization of a new, modern-looking, large-scale, permanent natural science exhibition presenting the natural values ​​of Békés county in the Békéscsaba museum, which he was no longer able to finish.


His widow, Erzsébet Réthy, placed his inheritance at the disposal of the Municipality of Szabadkígyós.